Private Islands for Sale in Florida, the Sunshine-State

Florida is located in the southern United States and borders Georgia to the north and Alabama to the northwest. It is one of the sunniest states in America. One can enjoy warm and clear weather here more than three hundred days a year. Not surprisingly, Florida has the third-largest population among U.S. states. More than 20 million people live in the state. Many tourists also come here. More than 122 million tourists visited Florida in 2021, and before the Covid-19 pandemic that number was even higher, namely 131 million visitors in 2019. In addition, the share of foreign real estate buyers is the largest here. Private islands for sale in Florida also enjoy popularity.
Islands in Florida
Florida has the longest coastline in the United States 2,170 kilometres, with many sandy and sunny beaches. In addition, no matter where you are in the state, you will be no more than 100 km away from the coast. Florida’s territory, surrounded by water on three sides, includes the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the warm Caribbean Sea.
The state of Florida includes 4,510 islands, making the region second in the number of islands in the USA. In this respect, sunny Florida is second only to cold Alaska.
One of the impressive island territories is the Florida Keys archipelago. It stretches 120 miles from Key Largo in the north to Key West in the south and includes reefs and 1,700 coral islands. Many of them are connected by the Overseas Highway and 42 bridges, so the islands that can be reached by car sometimes appear on the market. Moreover, the views during the trip are spectacular!
There are two main seasons on the Florida Keys: the hot and humid season from June through October, and the dry season from November through April, characterized by low rainfall, sunny skies, and warm breezes. In the fall, however, Florida’s proximity to the Caribbean Sea occasionally threatens the region with tropical storms and hurricanes, leading to evacuations to the mainland.
The Florida Keys is a tropical, heavenly place on Earth. A large number of tourists who like a relaxed holiday on the beach, as well as lovers of scuba diving and snorkelling, come here. The underwater world in this place is beautiful. In addition to tourist attention, the region attracts investors and real estate buyers.
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Private islands for sale in Florida
The island market in Florida is well developed, and there are always several dozen islands for sale in different places in the state. On some of them, there are houses and communications, while others offer buyers to plan the construction and implement their vision of the island plot.
Prices for private islands in Florida vary depending on size, location, and amenities. The prices start from USD300,000 and reach almost USD100,000,000.
Due to the country’s well-planned infrastructure, the developed private island offers the owner almost all the benefits of mainland property, as well as privacy and legal protection. But in any case, you should thoroughly check the island before purchasing, especially in terms of the regional construction and zoning laws.
Read also: Private Islands for Rent in Florida — the Coolest Options
Foreign ownership in Florida
Real estate is one of the most popular investments in the United States, both among citizens and foreign investors. This should come as no surprise. The country is characterized by economic and political stability, a high standard of living, as well as a reliable liberalized real estate market.
According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the number of foreign real estate investors is the largest in Florida. The total value of houses purchased by foreigners in Florida from August 2018 to July 2019 was USD 16 billion making up 12 percent of all house sales in Florida.
Non-residents can buy an island in the USA under the same conditions as citizens. You will also be able to check all the information regarding previous island owners and previously set prices. Certainly, to ensure that the sale is successful and you do not have problems with ownership, you should employ the assistance of a reliable and competent lawyer.
Note that the U.S. island market is well developed and that it is most often U.S. citizens become buyers of islands, so private islands in Florida quickly find their new owners.
North American private islands for sale by link.

Obtaining a visa or citizenship
The U.S. legislation does not impose significant restrictions on foreign investment in real estate. Foreign buyers can purchase an island without the involvement of government agencies in the purchase and sale process. However, there are no privileges for foreigners in this regard, including for obtaining a visa or citizenship. Immigration or legal stay in the USA is a parallel process that must be agreed upon by the foreign buyer of real estate.
Anyone interested in obtaining a visa should consult with an immigration attorney to understand opportunities.
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